Redevelopment or Regeneration – which way for Church St?

Having come out of a regeneration meeting recently in Church St, l came to the conclusion that West End Gate development with over 500 units of accommodation will be up well before phase A in Church Street is completed. As we were being told it won’t be finished by 2030 now and with the old Paddington Green Police Station all but demolished now, we will soon see the building works beginning there. 

This was difficult to hear after all the promises made on Site A in Church Street ward particular when the council wanted to get the GLA approval to get more monies and thus additional units of residential accommodation. 

Site B works look further down the road than ever, which should give ample opportunity to sort out Broadly St Gardens and the works to Green Spine. Both these need regular maintenance but do not seem in place since the new facilities were opened up!  The Lisson St road closure has worked well and l would like to see it extended beyond Bell St to the subway which get us to the Edgware Rd tube station. As its another major way into Church St and appears to have been forgotten. 

But if the public toilets on Church St are anything to go by we  are in for a long wait. As over the last few years we have seen them closed and lying empty for a long time, then the works seem to go for longer and now it’s been revamped it’s again been lying empty since the beginning of the year. What is going on with the loos? The projects on the Triangle have really not been going to plan at all and thats before l even mention the management of the street market itself. 

Not surprisingly many of us came out thinking, it is not so much regeneration that is being offered but redevelopment of the locality.  And l have not mentioned the state of the market! As locals need to take charge of it all. 




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