Has the Mayor fallen out of love with Thames Water?


Are Thames Water reducing leaks & sewage flooding enough?

Are Thames Water reducing leaks & sewage flooding enough?


With a drought order issued for the South-East today, it made me think about the exchange of views at the last MQT  (pages 42-44) when the Mayor himself was asked by Mike Tuffrey AM about what he was doing to reduce water demand in London.

Interestingly, the Mayor emphasised the problem of leakages and appeared to be complaining bitterly about Thames Water’s road works not actually dealing with the root of the problem.  He suggested that they were merely repairing instead of replacing them, which is contrary to what Thames Water’s seemed to be advertising along the roads where the works are taking place.

The Mayor also suggested the need to “have a discussion” with The Officer of Water Services (OFWAT), their regulator, as well as the possibilty of appointing a Water Commissioner to deal with the problem.  Intriguely enough, the Mayor began his political term with approving their desalination plant in Beckton which was a source of grief for Ken. Both of them have been strong supporters of the Thames Tideway Tunnel.  However, the sentiments expressed at the last MQT indicate that he had now most definitely fallen out of love with Thames Water and now possibly even at war with them over the issue of road works at least.

One thought on “Has the Mayor fallen out of love with Thames Water?

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