Walking through Broadley St Gardens to get to Paddington Recreation Ground regularly, is an amusing contrast this winter. Where you’ll find the grass and planting in very poor condition and also physical infrastructure like the water foundation in Broadley St Gardens and along the Green Spine. And then you go to Paddington Rec, the grounds and playing facilities are in immaculate conditions, so not surprising it has a Green Flag accreditation.
It is almost as though after the regeneration efforts in Church St Ward with the Green Spine, they forgot about the maintenance and management of this new green infrastructure in the middle of the ward. This while the Council is helping St Johns Church, Kensal Green in their Greening programme of the lawn, hedging and trees at the church!
So I trust the Council can make amends straight away before the spring and summer, where the Broadley St Gardens is intensely used by residents, school children and the working population. It has clearly fallen between Regeneration and the staff that manage and maintenance the Green spaces of the City.
Its an intensely used space and illustrates well why we need more green space in Church St Ward. Who knows one day with when its much better managed and maintained similar to Paddington Rec, it will be accredited with a Green Flag as well!