Update – Derelict telephone boxes in W9


A derelict phone kiosk reported to BT with its appalling graffiti, which needs replacing.

We have managed to get moved one of the derelict telephone kiosks at Warrington Gardens,W9 but there are still a number of red telephones boxes in W9 – Shirland Rd, Bristol Gardens & Clifton Rd – where the boxes need urgent repair and maintenance or just a simple paint job! 

It strikes me that BT don’t know what to with these assets even though its quite clear no one uses them in the mobile phone era. So let us start asking questions about what they are doing about individual ones in our neighbourhoods, starting with the ones in Little Venice. Do tell us of any others in the locality that need reporting to them to repair and maintenance asap or even remove. 

3 thoughts on “Update – Derelict telephone boxes in W9

  1. molly ayton

    I love the look of the old red telephone boxes. They are Iconic and part of our history.
    Maybe repurposing them would be better than removing them
    Plant Swap
    Book Swap
    I have just cleared out my flat after being flooded last year.
    I have crockery etc which is surplus and maybe someone else local can use it.

    1. Murad Post author

      Molly, l don’t disagree. Its the newer telephone koisks l want removed! certainly not the red ones. its just that BT have maintained them at all in recent time!

  2. Lee higgins

    The phone box in Bristol Gardens is a constant background for lots of professional photoshoots perhaps because the shot can include the red post box too
    The British look perhaps


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