The fate of two Beehives in Marylebone

Beehive Pub along Crawford Street, W1

Beehive Pub along Crawford Street, W1

Recently l was asked whether l knew that the Beehive pub in Marylebone was closing on twitter?  The one l know well was to the best of my knowledge being refurbished, so l decided to investigate next time l was up on Baker Street. 

So when l did go up on Baker Street on the Crawford Street, W1 junction l could clearly see the Beehive was still being refurbished over the Christmas period. But on my way home to the other side of Marylebone,north of the Marylebone Road l saw another Beehive pub on Homer Street, E1 which was being worked on more extensively by building contractors. This must be the one that people mention as the pub that’s been lost to residential use in Marylebone. Its certainly more tacked away and thus must of had a very local customer base. Probably quite different customer base than the one in Crawford St which would have had more tourists, as its not far off Baker Street and visible at the junction with Crawford St. Which probably explains the fate of the two Beehive public houses in Marylebone quite well.  

The Beehive on Homer Street has been closed since 2014 and can be found on registers of pubs closed in the last few years. Its fate been sealed by the loss of its local customer based as Londoners have been priced out of their homes in Central London ironically into residential use at prices that only those with suitcases full of money can afford in Marylebone now as their bolt hole from another country. 

This said the Beehive on Crawford St having having more tourists and office workers probably survived because of this ( plus some local customers of course ) and and will probable do so after it opens in the new year after the refurbishment. This is all apart from the tough conditions the pub industry has already faced in the past few years anyway. 

Beehive pub along Homer Street, W1

Beehive pub along Homer Street, W1

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