Serious injuries for vulnerable road users rise for second year

Figures released today by Transport for London show the number of vulnerable road users seriously injured in London’s has risen for the second consecutive year. Londonwide Assembly Member Murad Qureshi calls on the Mayor of London Boris Johnson to focus on bringing down the number of serious incidents involving pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. 

The figures releases today show serious incidents in Westminster involving vulnerable road users increased in 2012 since 2011:

Serious cyclist injuries rose by 19% per cent

Serious motorcyclist casualties rose by 13% per cent

 London wide Labour Assembly Member Murad Qureshi said:

“The Mayor must introduce targets to bring down the rise of serious casualties on London’s roads. In Westminster, there has been a 19% increase in serious incidents involving cyclists and this is not acceptable. 

“Boris has taken his eye off the ball and the result has been an increase in injuries to the most vulnerable road users. His policy of smoothing car traffic in London has been at the expense of pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. If we are determined to encourage more people to cycle and walk then the Mayor must improve public safety on red routes which run through high streets and shopping areas such as the West End. 

“The Mayor’s priority needs to be making London’s roads as safe as possible, and he should be paying the most attention to TfL’s red routes which pose a greater threat to pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.” 



  1. Murad Qureshi AM is a Labour London wide Assembly Member.
  2. Transport for London’s Casualties in Greater London during 2012 can be found here:


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