Developers vision of the site without the mature trees we have already
As the hoarding around the development on the immediate North side of Parsons House along the Edgware Rd went up, it was clear a row of trees from the pavement along Edgware Rd were inside the hoardings. Was this going to be the death of this line of trees? The developers vision of the site clearly shows the finished site without a line of mature trees there already ( including the bus shelter at the corner of Crompton St ).
Looking at the original planning report for the development given by Westminster City Council, it was quite clear the developers could get away with cropping the trees down. Thankfully as Edgware Rd is a red route, the pavements are actually the responsibility of Transport for London (TfL) along with the trees who have been quite clear the trees must be saved. And have now made it part of their license agreement with the developer that the trees be saved and worked around.
So thank you TfL for saving these trees along the Edgware Rd by intervening at this early stage long before the trees may have been cut down in the early site preparation of the housing development.