Surprisingly the rule changes to the London Labour Party have not received much attention in the blogosphere, passed overwhelmingly by delegates welcoming this momentous change in the Party.
In all we had three rule changes. The first was having the Regional Board elected by one member one vote cross the whole of the Party in London. That is all 150,000 of them! The second was the setting up of a Conference Arrangement Committee (CAC) to organise the next Regional conference. In light of this year’s procedures and issues, this will be very much welcomed. And finally to increase the CLP representatives on the London Regional Board to 14 along GLA constituency boundaries and 14 Trade Union representatives as well. The former had been something l was advocating for some time verbally and in my blogs last week.
All these changes are well over due and welcomed now that the Labour Party in London has more members than the Tories nationally, at some 150,000.
Now a familiar sight at these Annual Conferences is Francis Prideaux who you can always find outside the conference giving out yellow flyers for more democracy within the Labour Party. Up and till recently he was on the Regional Board representing Central London, so he would have seen first hand the need for these changes. Seeing them through now, its time to acknowledge his tireless campaigning on this front. So l like the idea from Charlie Mansell, to called these rule changes the Prideaux Amendments. After all he has been going on about for a very long time indeed!
I am sure it will give him a little warm satisfaction that all the campaigning was worth it.