We are all here in front of the US Embassy in London today, to Stand up to Trump’s warmongering and support for bigots.
Now we know he has got form on both fronts.
One of the first Executive Orders he issued when first in the White House at the beginning of the year was for increased military expenditure including upgrading the US nuclear arsenal at the expense of his foreign aid and diplomacy budget.
During August, he was added nuclear threat to South Korea with talk of “fire & fury” and “locked and loaded” and has also talked about taking military action in Venezuela.
Another one of his first Executive Oder’s involved the Muslim Travel ban for Iranians, Libyans, Syrians, Somalians, Sudanese & Yemenis.
None of who’s citizens contributed to the 9/11 attack on the US.
Now you can add his defence of white supremacists since Charlotteville troubles hit the States, to his support of bigotry.
So we are here today to tell Donald Trump to stop his warmongering and support for bigots
And also tell the UK government that it should not commit troops or weapons to Korean peninsula with any US action that might be taking.
We also want the UK govt to withdraw their invite of a state visit to the President until he drops his warmongering and bigotry.