No to Sectarian violence on Edgware Road

After watching this video of a demonstration by Anjem Choudary and his mob last year in May along the Edgware Rd, I was not surprised that five men have since been found guilty of violent disorder and affray.  What I am sorry about is that no one faced charges of offences for religious hatred in their incitement of sectarian violence, as the banners and language used clearly indicate this intention.

The abuse was directed towards the Shi’ite Muslim community along the Edgware Rd and led to attacks on two members of the public. The victims were beaten to the floor, punched, kicked and hit with placards made of wood. I am no Assad et al supporter but l don’t want to see such sectarian politics of the Middle East brought in this way to the streets of London.

The people and businesses along the Edgware Rd are interested in the business of trade and not hatred.  If anything, many of them came to the shores of the UK to get away from all of that in the Middle East.

The sentencing of the five men has been deferred until their Crown Court appearances.


One thought on “No to Sectarian violence on Edgware Road

  1. Pingback: Counter-terrorism needs to deal with sectarianism | Murad Qureshi AM

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