Mayor’s Policing Plan confirms cuts to police in Westminster

The new Police and Crime Plan repeats the claim that all of London’s 32 boroughs will see an increase in the number of police officer based in their borough. The Mayor has been previously criticised for this claim as it is based on police numbers in 2011, a low point for the Met following a recruitment freeze. Compared to 2010 17 of London’s 32 boroughs will see a decrease in the number of police officers, and the remaining boroughs will not receive as many extra officers as promised.

The plan also confirms that over 60 police stations and front counters will be closed, 12 stations earmarked for closure have been reprieved but more stations that were safe have been put on the list. The Police and Crime Plan fails to provide any detail about these closures, it also fails to details where the new “Contact Points” will be based.

Londonwide Assembly Member Murad Qureshi AM said:

“For Boris to continue claiming that Westminster will see an increase in police officer numbers is misleading.  Westminster will have 58 fewer officers once his plans are put in place. He is peddling his tired old line that his plan won’t cut frontline police services. It’s time he was honest with residents and tell them he failed to get a good deal from government and now we are paying the price.

“Boris is planning on closing all the stations in the north of the Borough against the wishes of local residents who have been clear in their opposition to the Mayor’s plans. He told us that all police stations closed down would receive like-for-like replacements but today’s announcement shows this isn’t the case. Rather than wasting time promoting himself on the national stage, the Mayor should be paying attention to his day job and getting a better deal for Londoners from his colleagues in government”



1.    Murad Qureshi AM is a Labour Londonwide Assembly Member

2.    Attached is a table detailing the amount of police officers in each borough and how the Mayor’s claims are inaccurate.

3.    Please find the plans for each individual borough here:

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