Having read Mayor Johnson’s columns in the Telegraph over the past few weeks, its quite apparent to me that he’s a frustrated sports commentator – which is no bad thing. And the veiled volley exchange between him and Steve Norris was quite entertaining, illustrating well who is actually running the show in London. But the idea that the attendance of politicians at major sporting events – such as the Wimbledon final – will encourage the future prospects of British sportsmen and women is pretty deluded. What would really help is investment in sporting infrastructure – for example making sure all neighbourhoods have access to community sports facilities – not just affluent parts of town like Chiswick, and protecting what playing fields we have already from being sold for development. Moreover, as well going to the glitzy, high profile sporting events, he should try and attend events like the BB London Youth Games, which took place last weekend in Crystal Palace. This is where we are likely to see some of London’s best future Olympic prospects emerge. It’s a question of priorities and commitment, and this is something Boris has a chance to influence as Mayor, rather than just enjoying the big moments as a privileged spectator.