The latest figures reveal long-term unemployment (aged 25 and over) has risen in the capital from 42,080 to 56,930 from November 2011 to November 2012.
In response to the latest figures Londonwide Assembly Member Murad Qureshi AM has called for the government and Mayor Boris Johnson to use all their powers to get Londoners back to work. In Hounslow long-term unemployment has increased:
· Long term unemployment (aged 25+) has risen by 102%%, from 480 [NOV 11] to 970 [NOV 12] over the same period.
· Unemployment for people over 50, who have been claiming JSA for over six months has also gone up 8%, from 360[NOV 11] to 390[NOV 12] over the same period.
Labour Londonwide Assembly Member Murad Qureshi AM said:
"It is extremely worrying that long-term unemployment is continuing to rise in Hounslow and across the whole of <city w:st="on"><place w:st="on">London</place></city>. The mayor keeps talking about job creation but he needs to do more then just talk about it and actually use his powers to tackle this growing crisis and deliver jobs for Londoners who have been out of work for over a year.
“Unemployment has also gone up for Londoners who are over 50 in Hounslow. The Mayor needs to take this extremely seriously as these people will be struggling with the increase in cost of fares, rent, food and fuel bills.
“The government is cutting welfare payments and refusing to take into account the cost of living in London so it will be unemployed Londoners, searching for jobs who will be badly affected.”
1. Murad Qureshi AM is a Labour Londonwide Assembly Member
2. Unemployment figures are JobSeekers’ Allowance claimant count, taken directly from the ONS at