Ethnic & religious make up of Westminster

The population of Westminster is 205,087 according to mid-2021 population figures published by ONS. It covers an area of 21 square kilometres (8 square miles) and has a population density of 9,545 people per sq kilometres (km2) based on latest population estimates taken in mid-2021. 

According to the Census 2021, the population in Westminster is predominately white at 55 per cent , with non-white minorities representing the remaining 45 per cent of the population. The largest religious group in Westminster is Christian  who account for 37 per cent of the population. 

While the median average age in Westminster in 2021 was 35.9 and the sex ratio is 94 males to every 100 females. 

City of Westminsters biggest minority community is Arab at 7.6 per cent of the population, with Arabic topping the top five languages other than English in the City. 


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