On 30th June the Metropolitan Police Authority voted on cuts to local police teams that will see each London borough lose five sergeants dedicated to safer neighbourhood policing. The cuts were narrowly passed with 8 votes for and 7 against the proposals – all Labour Members voted against the plans. The cuts will mean 150 safer neighbourhood sergeant positions go this year, with another 150 next year.
Murad Qureshi AM, London wide assembly member, said:
“We voted against the cuts, and I’m very disappointed that the cuts will go ahead which will see London boroughs each losing five Safer Neighbourhood sergeants.”
Murad continued “We are witnessing the beginning of the dismantling of the universal provision given to all wards under the safer neighbourhood policing scheme. These losses will undermine the reassurance and trust that the Police have built up over the past few years in our communities and neighbourhoods.”
For further information contact Nikki Salih 020 7983 4400