The old bells on the main doors to the blocks in Fleming Court!
After the tragedy of the murder of Abdul Samad on the doorstep of his home for his mobile along St Mary’s Terrace, W2 in Paddington, its clear that this part of neglected Little Venice needs security measures for all those who live and work there and pass through here regularly. It can often be dark and creepy as you cut through the St Marys churchyard passage to Little Venice proper from Paddington Green.
It clearly needs better lighting and CCTV coverage, as we have had a number of increased attack incidents leading up to the passage from both sides. It appears lighting and CCTV coverage were not given much of an emphasis on the last works to St Mary’s Square to help cyclists and walkers cross under the Westway at street level on the Harrow Road. This needs addressing straight away and a major oversight.
And finally Fleming Court is long over due a decent intercom system rather than a collection of bells as shown in the above photo unlike almost all other council block of flats l know in the City of Westminster. Residents already pay a lot of service charges and such a basic services should be covered within their contributions already.

The new pathway created at St Mary’s Square without additional lighting or security