Chairmans own cab firm?

At this weeks Audit Committee of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, otherwise referred to as LFEPA, we were given an update on the expenses for all its members and officers.  Not surprisingly again it was the Chairman’s expenses that stood out the most, rolling in at £2,763.61 for this  financial year to date.  As his expenses once again stand out as by far the highest, what is also eye catching is that he appears to be the only user of a cab firm based in Barnet called GLH and which operates a standard minumum charge so even short journeys cost London taxpayers more than other firms.  I joked with a fellow Assembly Member who lives in the South East of town, that he and I were  highly unlikely to use them given they are based in Barnet.  This probably cuts across the board for all other members.  So, it seems that the Chairman may in effect be enjoying the benefit of his own private cab service, all at the public expense of Londoners.

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