Boris Johnson,Bashar Al-Assad & sanctions

Its all very well Boris Johnson arguing for tough new sanctions at his G7 meeting against Assad & Putin now that he is Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Office but as Mayor of London, he didn’t give money laundering and sanction against it much attention when l raised it with him at the London Assembly as a lot of it in recent time would have involved Middle East & Russia monies going into London property market. Please see attached link showing how much of the time he and his office were in denial about the matter.  

The recently released update on the situation in London from Transparency International UK called Spring Cleaning, refers to the Assad regime in Syrian and their assets in London. It suggests that the personal wealth of Bashar Al-Assad and his associates are estimated at £4.4-5.2 billion, with no corrupt Syrian assets ever being seized in the UK, illustrating a very poor UK-Syrian asset recovery record. 

Can we now expect the Boris Johnson to act on the issue now that he’s creditability as Secretary of State is up rather than when he had been in denial about it initially as Mayor of London? 

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