An investigation into expansion plans at City Airport has been launched by the London Assembly’s environment committee.
The study is expected to see staff from the Docklands airport and Newham Council asked to appear at City Hall.
The committee’s chairman Murad Qureshi said the focus of the investigation would be the consultation process over Newham’s decision to approve expansion, as well as the effects more flights would have on noise and air quality.
The Labour London Assembly member said: "We have no legislative powers but we have got the power to focus on issues important to Londoners.
"Redbridge, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets have passed motions in protest about the expansion. People are saying there wasn’t a proper consultation and this will be looked into."
Mr Qureshi said the consultation on expansion, which has also seen a campaign group launch a judicial review into Newham Council’s process, was the key issue.
He said: "In the long run everything about this is strategic. A building site can affect those around it, but aircraft usually affect the whole area.
"The report will look at what happened in a strategic way, which I don’t think was done right by Newham Council. If it was, the council would have sought more views from neighbouring boroughs." read more