Air pollution worsens in Westminster

 Air pollution

The Department of Health released official emissions figures this week that show Westminster is one of the worst ranking boroughs for air pollution, with the highest number of deaths attributable to poor air quality. London-wide Assembly Member Murad Qureshi called on Mayor of London Boris Johnson to stop dithering and urgently tackle air pollution. 

Westminster ranked 15th in London for having the highest levels of dangerous airborne particles PM2.5 in 2011. The Department of Health published the data which shows how death rates are attributable to human-made dangerous airborne particles (PM2.5) in 2011. The statistics were introduced in 2010.  

London wide Assembly Member Murad Qureshi AM said:

“Boris must tackle the poor levels of air pollution in Westminster urgently. Boris needs to bring forward the Ultra Low Emission Zone from its planned implementation date of 2020 and make his mind up on what vehicles this policy will apply to. If this is to work then Londoners and car manufacturers need confidence that this will ever happen and confidence in what vehicles to invest in. Without these assurances this is simply grandiose and hollow rhetoric.  

“Westminster residents have seen air quality worsen between 2010 and 2011 – that means more deaths that are attributable to air pollution from PM 2.5. Westminster is the 15th worst borough in London for air quality. It is shameful that the Mayor’s lack of action on tackling this silent killer is so badly affecting people’s health. 

“The Mayor has consistently dithered on air pollution. Poor air quality causes 4,300 premature deaths a year.  Boris must not put up fares above-inflation to encourage Londoners to use public transport as well as improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians.” 



  1. Murad Qureshi AM is a London-wide Assembly Member.
  2. The Public Health Outcomes can be found here: and
  3. Clean Air in London compiled the borough rankings:

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