Sylhet’s own Brexit – Partition referendum of 1947

One of the untold stories of Partition is the Partition referendum in Sylhet.  Very unusually for partition along the borders of the proposed two-states of India and Pakistan, the Sylhet region (within Assam) at the time had a public poll to decide whether the district would fall into either India or Pakistan. And while it […]


Who would have thought that when the Tories pushed through first-pass-the-post voting for the Mayoral contests, it would mean Sadiq would romp home with an increase majority for a third term as Mayor of London? Clearly not those who proposed and passed this change but thats actually what has happened, as it forced Lib Dem […]

St Stephens Primary school closing – sign of the times

As my one of my old primary schools – St Stephens Primary, Westbourne Park Rd (next door to the Cow pub)  – closes, it reflects on the families no longer prepared to bring up children in Central London locations like Bayswater.  ​​According to London Councils, there is a predicted 7.6% decrease in reception pupil numbers […]

“Brown flight” in England & Wales @Census2021

  With the ethnic make up results of the Census in 2021 now available, we can now look at the figures for the size of the Bangladeshi community in England & Wales. The Bangladeshi community stands at 622,000 in 2021, that is 0.3 per cent bigger as a share of national population in 2011 moving […]

Celebrating London’s linguistic diversity – 21st February

I agree with the sentiment of Melanie McDonagh that “Languages mustn’t become the preserve of the rich” (4th Feb 2021) in the Evening Standard recently but the reality is many more are spoken in the homes and schools of London, then is readily acknowledged.   In 2000, Baker & Eversley’s survey of 896,000 children in London, […]

London at risk of losing out due to Spending Review

 The Chancellor’s Spending Review has placed London’s economic recovery at further risk, Londonwide Assembly Member, Murad Qureshi AM, has warned. He has also accused the Government of failing to be upfront about the impact of an impending no-deal or bad Brexit, after the Chancellor failed to mention it in his speech on Wednesday afternoon.  Murad […]

The Trump Card

While the focus has been on Russian interference in British politics, we should not forget the interventions of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. As soon as the General Election campaign began Donald Trump returned to his running commentary on British politics to again attack Labour’s leader Jeremy Corbyn. Speaking to Nigel Farage […]

Boris Trump

In Boris Johnson, Trump has found a compliant British leader who will dance to his tune. As the battle to stop no deal isn’t a struggle between those who want to leave the EU and those who want continued membership. Its a battle of the many, against the few, who have hijacking the referendum result […]

The Mother of Parliaments – You must be kidding!

With the continuing Brexit mess unfolding in the House of Commons, can people around the world see our parliament as the Mother of Parliaments ever again?  Since the beginning of the year, the UK government has been held in contempt of parliament. It has also seen the biggest government lose on a piece of legislation. As […]

Ghost of Redcliffe Line returns

With the Indian states attempt to exclude 4 million in Assam, it makes you wonder about how the ghost of the Radcliffe line still hangs over the area. The line was drawn and subsequently become the boundaries in the North-East of Indian sub-continent based on religion in 1947 between East Bengal (Pakistan) and India which are clearly […]