Labour London Assembly spokesperson for the Environment Murad Qureshi welcomed the proposals announced yesterday to freeze gas and electricity prices. Previous research has estimated that 1.6 million children are currently living in fuel poverty across the UK and 3,710 Londoners die each year due to living in a cold home.
Latest statistics reveal that nearly 300,000 London homes are judged to be fuel poor by the government’s new definition of fuel poverty which means nearly 10% of London’s homes are in fuel poverty.
London Assembly Labour Group’s Environment spokesman Murad Qureshi said:
“I welcomed yesterday’s speech by Ed Miliband to freeze gas and electricity bills for 20 months. Enormous price rises are pushing thousands of Londoners in to fuel poverty and energy companies should be ashamed of themselves. They are putting profit over the wellbeing of their customers.
“Every one per cent increase in energy prices sends 40,000 customers in to fuel poverty across the whole of the UK. It is disgraceful that energy companies are holding customers over a barrel like this by putting up prices on mass.
“On average 3,710 Londoners are dying every year as a result of living in a cold home. People have to make the choice between putting food on the table and heating their home. With rents, fares and bills all going up many Londoners are struggling to keep up. The Government should be acting immediately to help those people who can’t afford to heat their homes this winter.”
- Murad Qureshi is the London Assembly Labour Group’s Environment spokesman.